軟骨再生(Cartilage Regeneration)
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Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on M1/M2 Macrophage Polarization.
Int. J. Mol. Sci, 22(5), 2021.
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Candidates for Intra-Articular Administration Therapeutics and Therapies of Osteoarthritis.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22(7), 2021.
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Potential of Exosomes for Diagnosis and Treatment of Joint Disease: Towards a
Point-of-Care Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee.
Int. J. Mol. Sci, 22(5), 2021.
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Characteristics of autologous protein solution and leucocytepoor platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.
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Multilineage-differentiating stress-enduring (Muse)-like cells exist in synovial tissue.
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Platelet-activated serum might have a therapeutic effect on damaged articular cartilage.
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Interactions between jellyfish mucin and hyaluronan in human chondrocytes.
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Bevacizumab, an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody, inhibits osteoarthritis.
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Human telomerase reverse transcriptase and glucose-regulated protein 78 increase the life span of articular chondrocytes and their repair potential.
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Transplantation of scaffold-free spheroids composed of synovium-derived cells and chondrocytes for the treatment of cartilage defects of the knee.
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Intravenous administration of anti-VEGF humanized monoclonal antibody bevacizumab improves articular cartilage repair.
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Jellyfish mucin may have potential disease-modifying effects on osteoarthritis.
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Optimization of allograft implantation using scaffold-free chondrocyte plates.
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Recent technological advancements related to articular cartilage regeneration.
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Tissue engineering of articular cartilage with autologous cultured adipose tissue-derived stromal cells using atelocollagen honeycomb-shaped scaffold with a membrane sealing in rabbits.
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Tissue engineering of articular cartilage using an allograft of cultured chondrocytes in a membrane-sealed atelocollagen honeycomb-shaped scaffold (ACHMS scaffold).
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Tissue engineering of the intervertebral disc with cultured annulus fibrosus cells using atelocollagen honeycomb-shaped scaffold with a membrane seal (ACHMS scaffold).
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An experimental study of the regeneration of the intervertebral disc with an allograft of cultured annulus fibrosus cells using a tissue-engineering method.
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An atelocollagen honeycomb- shaped scaffold with a membrane seal (ACHMS-scaffold) for the culture of annulus fibrosus cells from an intervertebral disc.
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